Our Team 24/7 emergency locating service for septic tanks offers very affordable rates day, nights & weekends. After the technician has located your tank he will mark it out so you will know where to dig up your septic tank if it needs to be pumped.
You may also have received a diagram of your septic tank area as part of the home inspection when you purchased the property.
Call VJ Septic Tank at 9490988464 for pricing, VJ Septic Tank will always try to be cheaper than most of their competitors rates day or night & including weekends to find your septic tank.
Industries & Institutions
your inspection paperwork and you can’t find any other records cluing you to the spot, then we recommend following the trail of sewer pipes as a next resort.
Typically, the septic and drain field are installed parallel to the sewer line that extends from your home to the yard.
Every septic tank is attached to the main sewage line from your home. You can trace this line from its base at the house to the tank’s location.
In most cases, the tank is located 10 to 25 feet from the house and will be constructed of concrete.